Thursday, March 5, 2009

Shut up lady!!!

Today at the gym I encountered a bizzare person. Or obnoxious. Or clueless. Or all of the above.

The story begins with me warming up for my spin class on an elliptical. I try to warm up before I teach the class in order to avoid the dreaded spin headache which can happen when you overexert yourself too quickly. Which... if you have ever taken a spin class....always happens. I almost always would have a Thursday headache. My kids and husband would avoid me like the plague on Thursdays as I slouched around the house with my head hanging.

Anyhoo, so today I am slogging along on the elliptical when the gal next to me pumping away on the treadmill starts to sing....out loud. louder. louder. louder. louder. And EVEN LOUDER.

Here's how it went down:

Thump, thump, thump(treadmill), thump..."i swwweeear I love youuuuuuuuuuuu."
Thump, thump, thump,thump, thump, ..."maaaake it happppppppppen."
Thump, thump, thump, thump...."it donoooon't mattttter none."

Quiet for a few minutes. I relax.

Thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump ....."YEEEESSSSS!!!!! It is TRRRRUUUOOOOOO!!!!!! I LOOOOOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUU!" (This is complete with fists punching in the air.) Wahhhh! I jumped a friggin mile!

She carried on like this, with intermittent singing and sing/shouting for the entire time!

Lady... WTF????? We don't want to hear you singing and carrying on! Your voice sucks and you sound like a freak! Did you not notice the 35 other people in the room???? Did you not notice the stares and smirks? Yes....they are laughing at you! Keep it to yourself. This isn't American Idol at the gym for gawd's sakes. Shut the F up!

1 comment:

FLOSSY said...

Freaks...all of them!