baaack! I've been getting some sh*t from friends and readers (who knew so many of you looked forward to reading Flossy's and my blog??) about why I haven't posted in some time. Well, the long and the short of it...I've been busy. Aren't we all.
But no worries my friends....I have been blogging in my mind various subjects over the past two months and instead of doing an individual blog per subject, this will be one, big, totally random blog. So here it goes....
I love summer. It's my second favorite season (Fall being my first). I love the hot, steamy weather. The long days and early morning birds (other than my kids). I love the beach, the pool, and the thought of no school, no homework, no getting the kids up and out the door by 7AM. It's all sweet, and so darn short lived. So I am going to really let this one soak in this year. Last summer sucked. I was dealing with several major personal crisises at once and nearly had a nervy b-down. It was awful. This summer, it's all about family, friends, laughter, corn on the cob, margaritas and Mike's hard lime, screened porch meals and beach days, highlights in the hair and tan legs. Viva la Summer!
I saw Joey Kramer from Aerosmith twice in two weeks. First he and his fabulous (girlfriend, wife, sig other) were in a local eatery for lunch and then again at Bertucci's for a dinner. It was comical. Not one person in either restaurant gave him a second look. Ya gotta love that about Massachusetts. We just don't give a crap about who you are....and we will NEVER stoop to ask your autograph or anything. We just like to say we saw you. Dream on Joey...Dream On!
I am so sick and tired of bratty kids in Church. Today at the 9:30Am Mass there were kids doing the following....crawling up the aisle after the gospel and homily, banging and kicking the pews endlessly, howling like a banshee in protest when Mommy left to go pee or something, wandering about the church like it's a playground for exploration. I could go on and on. It is the 9:30 CHILDREN's MASS...but that does NOT give you license to let your kid act like a complete imbecile! Jeez!
WTF is up with the gas prices? $85 or more to fill my tank with gas. And I HARDLY drive these days. Whenever I go out, I take my husband's smaller/cheaper car. Those MF's at the top who are just bilking the crap out of us are gonna get it. Karma is a bitch ladies and germs...so watch out!!!! And while we are on that subject....we just got a $741 bill for an oil delivery. A-holes.
I love to go out to eat. (This will be SEVERELY curtailed, do to gargantuan levels of costs associated with bringing your kid to the doctor, buying overpriced food at the supermarket, or doing any of those bulltoggin necessary things we all have to do to live...which all involve....DRIVING on $4.25 gas.) Anyhoo, I love someone leading me and my family/friends (whatever) to a CLEAN table, asking ME what I would like to drink, and browsing a long and splendiforous menu with all yummy things on it and then ordering what tickles my taste buds and then COOKING and BRINGING said meal to the table and everyone is HAPPY to eat it (no complaints this tastes yucky...what is this gross thing, I hate that smell...) and then they come and CLEAN it all up and I get to sashay away doing NOTHING. What a wonderful thing.
I detest summer time TV. My only complaint about summer.
Peace out people. See you all soon!