Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mothering then........mothering now.

The 1970's mom. Remember her? She was a cool cat, smoked her Virginia Slims or Parliament 100's. She worked or maybe she didn't. She was on the wave of feminism.......and how she was a mother may be a lot different from how you're a mother now. Or.... maybe not....

In the 1970's your mother sent you to the store with a note to get her a pack of smokes. Now, she wouldn't dare smoke around a child and if she does smoke.......she gets her own cigs and smokes in secret.

In the 1970's your mother didn't care how long you were outside or how far away you long as you were home by street light time (which, by the way, in the summer was 8:45PM!) Now, she can call or text her child every 5 minutes and wouldn't dare let them go around the corner or be in the front yard without an adult.

In the 1970's your mother told you to get a tan.......that was your sunblock. Build up a tolerance to the sun. Now she coats her kid every time he/she sticks its nose outside. Including the scalp. (Man, I remember many a burn on my scalp.........and it hurt like heck too!)

In the 1970's your mother didn't exercise or obsessive over how thin or fat she was. She simply didn't care. Now, a mother demands to lose all the baby weight exactly one month after having her baby and starves/exercises herself constantly to unrealistically become the 17 year old she once was.

In the 1970's your mother didn't sit with you every night and do your homework with you. She might ask if you had any....or if it was done...but she sure as hell didn't sharpen your pencil for you and go through each problem one at a time. Now you sit with your child for hours correcting, erasing, prodding, hovering and making sure they don't fail.

In the 1970's your mother would backhand you into next week if you so much as smirked at her. Now mother's say things like "Timmy, it hurts my feelings when you punch me in the stomach" or "Sally, it's just not a good idea to spit in mommy's shoes."

In the 1970's your mother loved you. She cared for you and worried about you. But...she didn't hover over you, take shit from you or do everything for you. God love the 1970's moms!

1 comment:

Juvie said...

Love it! I had that 1970's mom, though she did obsess about her weight (calesthetics, AIDS diet candies and Tab cola were always around), and she never smacked us. But on the finer, less dangerous points I do emulate her as much as I can.

Those hours after dinner playing in the neighborhood were the best part of being a kid.