Saturday, September 27, 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008



Love, Flossy

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Michael Moore's Slacker Uprising -- Trailer

Love him, hate him, but check out his new movie for FREE! does a body good.

Here is my WTF moment for the week.   Did you hear that PETA sent a letter to Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream asking them to replace Cow's Milk with Human Breast Milk?  Yeah....that's right....human breast milk.  Can you imagine anything more disgusting that eating a pint of Cherry Garcia flavored with Tammy from Chicago's boob milk?  Gee Tammy....did you have a BURRITO before you pumped?  Or how about Phish Food with just a slight taste of Minestrone?  Or Wow, this peanut butter cup is making me feel F-I-N-E....did someone in Florida have too many Margarita's?  Yummmmmmmm.  

Can you imagine how Ben & Jerry's would make this work?  Would mothers everywhere send in their milk and get paid?  Or better yet....would there be a giant milking room where women could come in, put their feet up, knit, chat, listen to an ipod or watch TV while being milked?

Never mind how completely disgusting and germy it is to think of eating someone's BREAST MILK.  What shocked me the most was that these a-holes actually think this is a really good idea!  AND...they think that the cows are being hurt when they get their milk pumped out.  Hey PETA......have you ever had a breast pump squeezing the hell out of your boob?  Let me tell you.....I HAVE and IT HURTS LIKE HELL.  I certainly could relate to the cow when I had this contraption on....I felt a certain kinship....but I am a HUMAN and they are a COW and for as long as life has been around we have been using cow's milk and they don't really seem to mind.  The baby cows get their fare share of milk all around it's a happy milk world.  

PETA is a serious that I actually believe in too...I don't like seeing baby seals getting clubbed for their soft pelts or elephants shot dead for their ivory tusks...but they have made absolute idiots of themselves with this one.  Save the breast milk for the ones who need it the most........HUMAN BABIES.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Mother of the Year

Don't you just love it when you go online and some AP Headline jumps out at you?  Today it was "Mom Pressure Washes Child, Gets Year Probation".

Who CAN'T just click right on that???

Apparently, the mother was at a self-serve car-wash and was becoming increasingly frustrated by her 2-year old.  There's video of her spraying the daughter with the power hose, though apparently she didn't have it on full force.  In an interview, she maintains that she didn't deserve to be arrested and didn't do anything wrong.

I love these Moms (and Dads).  When someone leaves their infant on the roof of their car and then powers down the highway, I feel so much better about my own parenting skills.  Andrea Yates and Susan Smith make me seem like mother of the year.  I haven't rolled anyone in the lake or drowned anyone in the bathtub.  True, I lost my temper once and bit my 7-year old at the gift shop at the Roger Williams Zoo, but it was a soft bite and it didn't leave any marks (hey, I didn't even break the skin!).

I haven't chained anyone to the heater in the basement for years on end or microwaved my baby or even put it in the fry-0-later.  So where's my medal?