Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Karma is a Bitch (and I love her!)

Yesterday I was waiting patiently in line at the self-checkout at my food store.  There are three self-checkouts at my store.  Two are for 15 items or less (no conveyor belt) and the third is for larger orders.  I was in the larger-order line.

The guy across from me at 15 or less was causing a backup because he had accidentally put his money in the COUPON slot...As the manager helped rectify the situation, a woman I know got into line behind him.  She was holding a bottle of chocolate syrup in one hand, and a baby in an infant carrier in the other.  We chatted for a moment and when the man finally finished his order, this OLD BAT WITH A CART FULL OF SHIT has the nerve to tell my friend that she had been waiting for a long time in the regular check-out line and could she please go AHEAD of her!

So let's recap, shall we?  My friend was waiting in a 15 items or less self-checkout line with ONE item.  This old crabby lady had been waiting in a regular check out item with a cart full of stuff.  My friend replied, "But I only have one item" as she struggled to balance the infant carrier, and the other woman just pushed ahead of her.

I told my friend she could go ahead of me in my line.  The woman ahead of me finished her order and my friend scanned her one bottle of chocolate syrup, paid in CASH and then thanked me again before she left.  In a loud voice I said "THAT'S ALL RIGHT!  YOU ONLY HAD ONE ITEM!!!"  I then scanned my items, all the while noting that not only was the old bat to my right having trouble scanning certain items, but she was rapidly running out of room in the bagging area for the items she had scanned.  Uh, hello!  That's WHY it's 15 items of less!  That's WHY my aisle has a CONVEYOR BELT!

I finished my order, bagged my items and left the store with a satisfied smirk as the woman was still scanning her items (and she still had a half-full cart).

Karma is a bitch, and I LOVE her!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Best Mother's Day ever!

Woke up late, enjoyed Blood Orange mimosas with my husband.  Took the kids to see Star Trek movie while eating BUTTERED movie popcorn and an ENTIRE BOX OF DOTS!

Took a nap after the movie, then my husband picked up Chinese food.  He cleaned up the kitchen while my kids presented me with their presents:  A homemade poem/picture frame and a sculpture from my 11-year old and a talking card that says "Mom, you're the BEST" from my 8-year old.  

Second best presents...the bracelet I picked out for myself and the mani/pedi gift certificate (also picked that one up myself...)