Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Orangina Naturally Juicy Comercial

Okay, Fitfreak and I came across this video the other day. Check it out and let us know what you think! Personally, I first thought, "What a weird way to sell Orangina"! I kept expecting the bear to eat the deer! Then I saw all these postings on the You Tube sight from Furries. Never heard of those?

One definition from the Urban Dictionary is this: A subgroup of science fiction and fantasy fans who focus on cartoon animals, anthropomorphic animals, or human-animal hybrids.

Another definition: The less-formal term for anthropomorphic animals, which are usually cartoon characters. Furries are animals given human characteristics, like the talking moose in Brother Bear. Fans of furry characters are also called furries.

And then there's this one: Retards who dress up as animals and fuck each other. They are obsessed with anthro art and being an animal. Death to them and all of their vermin.

Obviously that last definition was added to the Urban Dictionary by someone who did NOT adopt the LESS judgemental MORE tolerant attitude that I did!

I don't care who does what to whom in what type of FURRY costume, as long as it's not someone comin' after MY kid in a THEME PARK!

Check out the video and see what you think. I'll never think of Orangina the same way again!


FITFREAK said...

Saw it once, saw it twice. It's Nuckin Futs! Who the hell thought this one up and more importantly what kind of company is Orangina to approve it?

Orangina....Vagina.....closely related spelling. .... hmmmm.....

kickasskitchen said...

AHHH Fitfreak!!!!...you took the words right out of my head...as I was THINKING THE SAME EXACT THING...and I only saw it once...that was enough!!! Jeeeeeezzzzz was that weird!!!

Cynic67 said...

I found that thoroughly disturbing. Did you see one of the anmials squirt Orangina from her boobs???