Saturday, January 19, 2008

One short step from Fan to Fanatic!

My sister came to visit recently and one of her passions is cross stitch. Some people like Soduku, some like to knit, Jen likes cross stitch. Not just like though. She is PASSIONATE about it. She orders patterns and obscure magazines from other countries. She bought an incredible amount of discount embroidery floss when several Wal-Marts sold off their craft departments. During her visit, I jokingly asked her when she can possibly complete the multitude of patterns she's accumulated. Her reply, "Oh, I'll never get around to all of them. That's S.A.B.L.E."


S.A.B.L.E. is the abbreviation amongst her friends on the cross stitch message boards for Stash Acquired Beyond Life Expectancy! Basically, you've bought more patterns and embroidery floss than you could ever hope to finish in your lifetime!

That got me thinking about things I've acquired that I'll never get around to before I die. I'm almost 45, but could I possibly have bought more books than I'll ever read? Will I every get around to scrapbooking ANY of the photos of my family? But I digress.

When I told a friend the story of S.A.B.L.E. she looked at me askance and said "There are cross stitch MESSAGE boards???" You could practically see the thought bubble over her head that said "FREAKS!" Now why is that so odd? I belong to not one but THREE Pampered Chef message boards! There are message boards for every television program, sports, fashion, celebrities, the list is ENDLESS. There are message boards devoted entirely to Britney Spears and why she won't wear underwear in public (and you can BET SHE doesn't wear underwear to BED!!!)

Why not a message board for people who love to stitch? They're harmless! Some of the creations my sister has made are incredible! If it brings her peace and pleasure, who am I or anyone else to judge? Remember my resolution: LESS JUDGEMENTAL, MORE TOLERANT!

So leave the stitchers alone, dammit! If you want to target someone whose taken that LEAP from fan to FANATIC, check out this guy in the video above! Okay, I'm sorry but in this instance it's impossible for me to be MORE TOLERANT. This guy is a FREAK! Oh and GO PATRIOTS!

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