Tuesday, February 3, 2009

And the night comes.....

Why for the grace of god do all little children get sick in the middle of the night? I cannot remember the last time any of my little chicks came down with something during daylight hours. It's always 2, 3 or 4AM you hear the racking cough, the sounds of throwup, or the feverish "mommy.....I need you." Oh, the exhaustion of it all. Sleep deprivation is used as TORTURE in many countries. And let me tell you....no matter what....it's ME that gets up. Yes, I work a mostly full-time job x 2. (That's mommyhood AND a biz dev manager for my bro's company.) Yeah, I gotta get up and shoo the other two out the door to school, tend to the sick one, clean up the mess, answer phone calls and emails, and just do it all! It's never easy. But please, please little ones....next time....could you puke at 4PM next time?

Thanks, love, mama

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