Why is the school lunch menu like an appetizer menu? Nachos, bacon cheeseburger, chicken dippers, and tacos? No wonder the youth of america are getting larger.
Why does the cat stare at me thru the window all day? Get a job meow-head. or maybe it's me that should be employed, somewhat gainfully.
Why do kids have more friggin homework and projects these days than I can ever remember? Where is the joy and the fun? Seasons in the sun?
Why is daytime TV so deplorable? There are people who work at night, do they not deserve nighttime quality TV during the day?
Why is laundry never ending?
Does anyone EVER call those 1-800 numbers that are stapled to various telephone poles ( ya know the ones, lose weight fast or re-finance your mortgage.)?
Your thoughts readers?
1 comment:
Underwear doesn't contain Lycra, if it did, we'd all be goin' Britney! And as for how good you look in your underwear, take a dip in your hot tub wearing it and THEN check it out. It'll hang like a wizard's sleeve (to quote Borat!)
As for the cat, he has a job: Eating, Sleeping and STARING AT YOU! If you want a more interactive pet, try a hermit crab (or better yet a DOG!)
School lunch menu: You forgot giant pretzel with yogurt (!) Tomorrow is American Chop Suey, not to worry it's not an appetizer just an insult to our Chinese brethren.
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